“The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change.”
- Carl Rogers
Dyad Counselling . Friends, Siblings, Couples
I feel so engaged and enlivened by the healing work that people do with their community. While facing your loved one I will help you to notice the moments of hurt and lean in to provide effective care for one another. We will practice putting down judgment and analysis and practice a culture of care. Leaning into your gifts and strengths together and as individuals we will use those to move you closer and into more safety. I want to help you find one another and peace again.
1 Hour Session - $155.00 (no GST)
Individual Counselling
I feel a deep peace as individuals experience true acceptance and start to give that to themselves. I have a strange comfort with intensity, anger and sadness. I want to help you learn to be with you and feel at peace with that being. Building a safe relationship together we can then explore painful and beautiful experiences that lead to transformation in your self and in your connections with community.
1 Hour Session - $145.00 (no GST)
Professional Consultation
I offer consultation to counsellors and social workers wanting to work towards more embodiement in themselves and their clients and who want to learn how to create and use relationship building in session to lead to attachment and trauma healing.
1 Hour Session - $145.00 (no GST)
* Because of community crossover I do not work with polyamorous people who live in Lekwungen, W̱SÁNEĆ or T'Sou-ke Territory (Greater Victoria, BC)
What Will Happen?
When you enter my office I will ask you 'What's been feeling importan?' or 'What are you noticing as you land here?' (feelings, sensations, images, thoughts, instincts). People I work with often exclaim how deep and present the therapy is from the get-go. What I want to hear about is what is real for you right now. What is important will be present and we will lean in with care, there's no need to worry about preparing for session. I want you to learn to ride the wave of emotion and feel the relief at the end that your nervous system craves. Our nervous system knows how to navigate feelings of all kinds, trauma in our culture, families, school, and workplaces prevent this natural flow. I want to reconnect you to that innate healing instinct.
My Education & Mentorship
Masters in Counselling Psychology . 2018
BA in Child and Youth Care . 2013
Registered with the CCPA . #10004045
Regular Consultation and Supervision from mentors and paid supervisors . For 15 Years
Trauma Training with Kimberley Johnson, Bessel Vanderkolk & Resmaa Manekem . 2020
Years of reading and researching trauma & Experiential, relational, emoting healing.
Right Use of Power . 2021
AEDP Immersion . 2023
The Internal Family Systems Model of
Psychotherapy for Young Clients and their Caregivers . 2024
AEDP The Power of Affirmation to Heal Relational Wounds 2024

Hello there,
I go by both Jenna and Jude. I am a caring, deeply feeling and present person. It's not uncommon for me to laugh with my clients. I practice from a relational place focusing on emotions and sensations (nervous system) and use new experiences to help heal the brain. My practice is heavily informed by the empirically validated Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy and Hakomi theory. In our work I want us to give voice to the silenced parts of you, to then experience the things you've always needed, and to do this while in connection. Together we can undo your aloneness in the face of unbearable emotion so that these experiences and feelings don’t keep you feeling stuck. For this much money I better be more than the best listener you've ever met :)
I work well with people who have big feelings and welcome your anger, grief, and joy. I also feel a lot of joy helping people finally find access to their anger and joy in more unbridled ways for maybe the first time. I specialize in recovery from religious trauma and psychological abuse (in childhood and adulthood). I have experience working with third culture kids (in teen and adult form). I also realy enjoy my work with attachment healing between couples, friends, family members, or with individuals. I work with many neurodivergent folks and am very comfortable with direct statements of requests and needs. I am very interested in working with people who are older than myself and believe deeply that we are all better off with intergenerational connections in our lives.
I am a white, ethnically Mennonite and an un-welcomed settler on the Lekwungen Territory and want to pay respect to the land and peoples here before me and continue to learn how to do so. I have a partner I love, a couple of children in my life I’ve helped to raise who are very important to me, and a rich community of chosen family. I am a part of the queer and polyamorous communities (I use he & she pronouns). I live with my own mental health struggles and have experienced life changing growth in my own therapy and within my loving community. I bring my true self into each session and I welcome yours.
Just as important as fit based on personality and strengths it can be wise to try to plan for a good fit around our weak spots as well. I am consistently behind on emails and welcome reminders if you have the energy or to pass on me if you dont! I work with depression but it is not my forte when it is the most significant and central struggle in a person's life. I am a few minutes late to most meetings and always make up that time on the other end.
Mon 1:45 -7:45
Tues-Thurs 10:00 - 5:00
207- 888 Fort St
Victoria, BC
(Swengwhung Family Territory)
V8W 1H8

"Let us make the implicit explicit, the explicit experiential and the experiential relational."
-Diana Foshe, creator of AEDP
Lets do something real, in the moment, together.
I am a founding member of the Queer Care Collective. The Queer Care Collective is a group of queer and trans healers in a shared safer, accessible, and welcoming practice space in the Lekwungen Family Territory (Victoria). 888 Fort Street
Sarah Wilson
Counsellor & BSW
Sarah Wilson
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Katherine Howell
Cedar Moon
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Flora Pagan